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Tatiana Dimitrova is a historian of art, art critic and curator, AICA member.She has more than 20 years of research in Bulgarian fine art history, history of art criticism and art life of XX century. Since 1980 she has published more than 50 articles in Bulgarian specialized periodicals and in exhibition catalogues.
120 years Bulgarian Art (Unions, Associations and Groups from 1892 to 2012), Sofia, 2012 (co-author); Art in Bulgaria during the 1920’s: modernism and national idea, (with Irina Genova), Sofia, 2002; Jewish Artists in Bulgaria,Sofia, 2002, Ivan Nenov. Sofia, 1998;
Between tradition and modernism. Images of the Native in Bulgarian art of the 1920’s. 2018, Sofia City Art Gallery, co-author and consultant;
A Possible history: Bulgarian art through the collection of Sofia City Art Gallery. 2012, Sofia City Art Gallery, co-curator;
In Memory of Nikola Mavrodinov, Sofia, The National Art Gallery, 1995, with Dorotea Sokolovaq The Unknown Sirak Skitnik - artist and art critic, Sofia, The Union of Bulgarian Artists, 1993, with Irina Genova;
The Twenties in Bulgarian Art, The National History Museum, Sofia, 1992, head of the curatorial team,
„ДА-gegen: Verbotene Ostkunst 1948-1989”, Austria, Italy. 1991;
Curator of Bulgarian section, Jewish artists in Bulgaria, Sredec Gallery, Sofia, 1991. co-curator with Andrey Daniel.