The project is about a very personal period of my life, perhaps the most important that has laid the foundation for my whole being. 1989 was a very interesting year, with big changes all over the world, and for me it was a personal one. Then I realized myself. This coincided with my trip to Japan, which will forever remain in my mind. Then I realized the essence of the world and went through a great transformation. My pursuit of perfection was then the foundation on which I set foot. When, every second a person tries to do everything possible in the best way, to give 100% of himself, he becomes very aware and reaches levels of his soul that are higher and makes a connection with his inner self, where he finds crystal clear answers to everything. It was a very fragile condition.
Japan has contributed a lot to this - for me, it is the most valuable part of me. An ideal that I will always strive for. The world I discovered in Japan was what I always wanted to be. Shintoism, traditional Japanese religion, meditation and spiritual development are all part of this.
40x40x10 cm, natural moss, treated so that it does not change color and does not dry out, photography on a plate, Japanese hieroglyphs on self-adhesive foil.