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Amusement Park (2021)

Gönül Nuhoğlu
Herbarium Collection - Collection - Amusement Park - Gönül Nuhoğlu
Herbarium Collection - Collection - Amusement Park - Gönül Nuhoğlu

“Becoming a rhino is a transformation rather than, and beyond, a change. Change can be reversed, one can change again; but transformation is irreversible”.

The works I have produced using the rhino image since 2009, based on Georg Simmel's essay titled "Metropolis and Mental Life", present a comprehensive narrative about the metropolitan life and the alienation problems of the metropolitan individual to the audience through different mediums.
Simmel defines this reaction / unresponsiveness of the modern urbanite as the blase attitude. Blase has also lost the ability to distinguish things to the extent of her numbness and weariness as Simmel puts it.
The author explains this situation as follows: "Things appear to the weary person equally flat and in shades of gray; no object deserves a preferability above the others. This dominant value is the faithfully subjective reflection of the fully internalized money economy."
The metropolitan actor of the series, referring to the blaze, images of cold, heavy, thick skinned rhino; It contains a serious criticism directed at the body.
At the point where he struggles with being measurable with money, the metropolitan-type individual chooses to turn off his human perceptions by adopting a desperate attitude and thus inevitably surrenders to the transformative power of the system.

40x40x10cm, resin cast