Prototype A is a figure enclosed in an individual psychological space.
Prototype A can speak, but what it says can only may be in the range of its invisible frame.
Prototype A can hear, but what he hears is refracted from his psychological space.
Prototype A can see, but what he sees is not real because it happens on a small screen in his head.
Prototype A can be seen, but its image will be refracted by the prism of its dimension.
Prototype A can walk, but it cannot go beyond its space because it moves parallel to it.
Prototype A is a projection of parallel reality existing in the artist's head.
Prototype A, meeting Prototype B.
They start a conversation.
A thinks he's interested in music. B thinks he's interested in airplanes.
A says a joke, tailored to the parameters of his interests.
The joke goes beyond its dimensions and is refracted by them, acquiring a different value.Than enters a neutral space where it loses its value.
It then enters the dimension of B, where it is refracted once more by the parameters of the second individual.
Prototype B thinks that he understands the joke, which changes in his space.
Prototype A is satisfied because he thinks he was understood and his joke was funny.
40x40x10 cm, aluminum, wooden board